Tuesday, February 10, 2009
this a a continuation of the not-yet-over-bday-celebration. gosh!!! having a 3 years old is really occupying a tweentyish plus2 mother (ahem! hahahaha). after the nak-kat-mummy-episode celebration on friday, where we bring this to the studio....hope thay like it... it was such a last minute thingy where i just wham bam put it together.....
but then also, i have sent this over to them as a token of our appreciation...this card fares better coz i have more time to prepare and i know the persons that are getting it. sometimes its a challenge for me to create a card without actually knowing the receiver.... coz it actually helps for me to visualize the level of acceptance and liking... hehehe... that my humble opinion.... i believe the other pro cropper does not have the same problem as I do... huhu...
well, i guess misschubbyface was very contented after all this.... she shud not be expecting the other celebration we have planned for her.... hahahahahaha
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