Thursday, November 5, 2009
i can say it was love.... once i denied it, burying deep down.... tp kalau dah cinta tu cinta jugak lah kan.... kalau dah terpandang, pasti teringat balik ... terkenang.....sayang... keliru....
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
teruk jugak bila sakit ni, specially kalau yg jarang sakit.... exception to yg selalu buat2 sakit..(ahem!) just imagine, jarang sakit, suddenly doktor ckp u dah kena cancer stage 4.... tak ker terkedu? tak ke tertanya apa lah nasib ku? life must go on..... kalau asyik dok fikir, apa nak jadi kat anak2? kesian kat anak2.....
Labels: thoughts
Friday, September 25, 2009
or should i put it as bossy lady? got 2 story related to the title (ahem, one of it should be bossy girl not lady la).
first one, bout a lady (name cannot be mention,use your imagination okeh?) who controls everything ... dia lah pegang duit gaji laki dia... dialah tukang decide anything for the family... dia lah tukang kasi final decision tuk semua... pas tuh keras kepala hati kering type... (pesal lah aku takleh jadik mcm ni... part yg berjaya pegang duit gaji laki tuh paling kuidamkan! adooii) hahahha.... tak pernah laie aku terfikir kalau gaduh laki bini sampai lari rumah mertua nak mengadu pasal laki.... kalau wa jadik mak mertua, sure wa dah sound sedap2 dah kat that lady... pastuh dok perang laki bini kecoh sekampung.... apa daaa.... buat2 la fikir malu kat anak2 kecik.... misschubbyface pun leh terheran.....
another story, bossy girl ni.... she has a cousin that she can control.... sepupu dia pulak, eventho tua setahun dari dia, tukang mengekor ajer..... chubbyface lah ketua.... kesian dia bully her cousin.... menakutkan.... siapalah menantu aku nanti.... sure dia hentak2 ajer.....
Saturday, September 12, 2009
today i bake samperit.... the batches to take back to my parents house for raya. it was total havoc with little helper(ahem! misschubbyface) doing all the wrong things........ suruh letak ajer, dia cibuk kacau.... perlahan2... keboom habis tepung terbang... adoi.... but it was an experience i wont trade for anything else. priceless! entah2 5 tahun lagi aku mintak tolong kat dapur dia boleh buat pekak ajer.... hahahahhaha
i know iknow... i promised to upload the hasil pembakaran... i will..... later.... belum laie transfer gambar itu.... hahahahha
raya checlist....
1. baju raya saya - checked
2. baju raya chubbyface -checked,checked,checked.....
3. kasut raya-checked (which one nak bwk ni? erk)
4.kuih raya-checked
5.duit raya-checked
gadget.... chubbyface's cam,compact cam,dslr,video cam,laptop, broadband..... alamak.... bila nak packing ni.....
Friday, September 4, 2009
think I need to change, urgently. if i got too comfy, i will take things for granted. overlooked new opportunities and greater challenges. sempena dengan bulan ramadhan ini, i will change. tunggu ajer la apa yg akan berubah..... hahahha.... but my promise to myself, it will be an upgrade.... will not let myself agree to second best anymore. insyaallah
suspen tak dengan ayat2 diatas... to fellow jaki sisters n brothers.... tolong doakan untuk saya yer... cukup2lah korang ni.... buat2lah berubah.... nothing kekal in this world except Allah.
Selamat Berpuasa, Selamat Berterawikh.
Labels: thoughts
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
completed the 4th day of puasa. so far managed not-to-go-to-pasar-ramadhan yet. semua home cooked by my very (bodek sket!) loving mr-hubby. first day he made karipap pusar (korang jgn la gelak... serius ni.... sedappp) and as vouched by miss-chubby-face, it was superb! second day he made cendol.... yesterday was cucur udang together with home made chilli .... today, since miss-chubby-face like the cendol so much... second round of cendol.... gler sedap.... the wifey buat apa? hahahhahaha kalau berani, sila lah tanya......
looking forward for potluck with cuz n sistah this weekend. korang silalah masak sesedap mungkin.... jgn sampai kena komplen with miss-chubby-face dah la.... minah tu tak kuasa!(dia sebut puasa as kuasa)
speaking of miss-chubby-face.... what kind of 3yr old yg boleh auta macam2 bila granparents tanya puasa ke tidak? first day dia jawab tak puasa sbb demam.... second day dia ckp tak puasa sbb sakit gigi (amenda tuh?) third day pun alasan sakit gigi... kena makan sbb kalau tak dia makin sakit gigi tuh.... today.... sebab terpening! so kena makan jugak kalau tak lagi terpening....
anak sapa ni sebenarnya? did I gave birth to a lawyer/politician? adoiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Sunday, August 9, 2009
first time tried baking samperit. it turn out quite well, i think! tukang yg request samperit ni pun ckp mcm ok tp firtst batch bakar tuh dia kata too light terlampau rapuh (bukan samperit suppose to be that way ker?) tp since ini try and error kind ... I just add a handful of flour (amik ko! kalau keras wa ta tau!) luckily my instict was right because it turn out to be better than the first one.... (according to my tukang request la jugak kan!)
will upload my hasil pembakaran soon (kalau sempat ambik photo before dimakan oleh para cookie mon-sters hehehe)
Labels: baking
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
kadang-kadang ada masa when we are ahead of time, news yg baru to people tp dah basi kat kita tak tahu cemana nak react. kalau cakap ooo i heard about it already, karang kecik pulak hati.... tp kalau act surprised or "this-is-soo-new-new-i-never-heard-bout-this" karang fake pulak.... so how? should i practice my acting skill or i just be the back of the pack yg mmg sial lama giler dapat berita sensasi? ish sungguh bodoh ini persoalan..... serabut...confused... bosan....
other thing yg sesuai dalam tajuk ini title ialah..... kekeliruan orang dalam hal masing-masing... manusia ni yg keliru, itu ada yg hisap dadah sampai nak pulak jadik pencuri sampai nak pulak jadik pembohong sampai nak pulak kacau orang lain.... bodoh sebenarnya manusia ni.... tuhan sudah kasi akal, otak... tapi bawak jer ke hulu ke hilir... tak pulak diguna untuk dibuat pertimbangan berakal.....
what's wrong with me today? emo? the truth is i am very much deep in thoughts!
Labels: thoughts
Saturday, June 27, 2009
too self centered, none of your business, do not bother me as I do not bother you. Sometimes too inclined to be out-of-this world-rude, but lantak la.... kalau dia tak kacau orang, pehal lak korang sibuk? sense some jealosy here..... hahahahhahaha
apasal ler aku merapek ni? i finished 2 pic frames for my cousin, 1 wedding album to another cousin..... am going to finish my house box.... gonna start doing my own album (alamak... mini album for last month break pun tak complete lagi... adoiii)
the pic is one of the vain ones i took..... hahahahah
Labels: craft, photography, thoughts
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
second update of the month.... waah bangga nih..... eventho sibuk sesangat with 9to5 thingy....
phew, my weekend went like a breeze..... mcm blur2 pun ada..... anyhow... enjoy the pic! junior photographer at work taking wedding pics dah sekarang... adooiiii!!!!
Labels: photography
Thursday, June 11, 2009
well, next week my cuz is getting married..... sorry la.... tak pi jenguk2 laie.... kata everything under control, sumore hari tu i want to be assign "tukang tak buat apa2, duduk2 look pretty" punya job... hahahhahahah... tgh worried that i have to be a runner to pick up my parents and auntie next week... karang aku tension2 dlm jem, tak sampai melawati... pi jek makan kat mana2.... kahkahkah....
gambar ooooo gambar.... mana satu aku nak load ni,....
Labels: photography, thoughts
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
lemme put it in open.... i am too busy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with the 9to5 things that has dragged all the way to 8pm then with more work to be completed at home... i neeeeeeeeeedddddddddd a break...... not a short 2nite thingy which was spent on arts-n-crafts classes.... but a real-lazy-doin-nothing-being-served-and-pampered-break.... where can i find the time? i still owe my frens the pic of Sg trip, to complete an album, to edit lotsa photos,catchin up wth my baking,some needlework action on my bajukurung......... aiyooohhhhh.... any volunteers out there?
Labels: thoughts
Sunday, April 19, 2009
yesterday we went to the zoo..... not the one in ulukelang, but in taiping.... yup, we travel to mrhubby's hometown in kk and then we went to taiping for the zoo.... it was a very memorable trip i can say. went in, we took the tram ride.... then we go one round on foot... i can say there was a lot of chimp,orangutan,monkeys species on display.... after we came out from the snake shed.... i got a shock of my life... i was snatched!!!! i i happen so quick that i was stunned.... but my very brave misschubbyface went on running like a mad little girl chasing the thief, screaming "HOI!!! JAHAT...JAHAT" huhuhu..... the thief (ahem!!! a monkey!) snatched a 100+ (misschubbyface's drinks, which she only sipped once) which is no wonder she was really pissed off with the monkey!!!
huhuhu... after that event, every monkey cage/display we passed over she will stop and shout "HOI... MANA KAWAN AWAK ...JAHAT TAU...AWAK JAHAT JUGAK KAN" oh... she also walk to the guards and reported by herself on the event and she even remind the guard "TEMBAK DIA TAU, DIA JAHAT, CURI AIR SAYA",
my misschubbyface can be a very demanding-makcik-style when she is angry... wonder where she gets it from.... hmmmm...
Labels: family
Sunday, March 29, 2009
so much goin on in march for me.... thank gooddness it is very much ending beautifully. phew!!!
there was a second bday celebration for misschubbyface, then my cuz sister got engaged.... which then followed with my lil sis solemnization and wedding.... then the reception at the groom's place.... sooooo hectic and very tiring indeed.... well if everything happen in klkl its okay i guess... but all ocassion was in eastcoast..... believe it!!!
i can still experience "where-the-hell-i-am" occasionally.... hehehe
Labels: family
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
i wonder how ppl can blog daily, let alone making money out of it. for me, updating daily has become a luxury. i cannot afford to update my blog, share my thoughts and write my views because of the very one thing that i cannot afford right now. yeap! its the TIME. my oh my... time has become very precious and rare for me lately. finding a free and easy time is like finding dino's fossil in a desert. how i envy those ppl that have all the time to spend and live leisurely. goddammit, where did all my time go? i am blaming it all on the 9-5 thingy that has dominating most of my 24hrs schedule.... ouch! where did i go wrong?????
Labels: thoughts
Sunday, February 22, 2009
never occur to me that my lovely ceo gonna perform in our annual dinner, let alone in the opening dance number.... she did and so did a handful mgmt committee members (hmmm.... where did they practice? hehe).
i managed to shoot some very good pics, am getting better handling my dslr but stil very pathetic in editing job (hey, if i can get the pic rite... i shouldn't be doin a lotta editing... rite?). am soooo very looking forward to a session on editing. please, let my editing sifu available very very soon.... cannot postpone much longer......
mental note to self.... please complete your llil sis doorgift bag before 6mar... else i will be in deep trouble.... its 1000 pieces, so better start now!!!
Labels: thoughts
Sunday, February 15, 2009
never thought that learning photography is easy nowadays. as a cannot-understand-photo-jargon person, I have found the solution. Its photomama..... it is so easy to understand, saifulnang makes it so easy for the plain people to be able to capture the moment as good as pro. it a very precious knowledge, and with constant practice and experiment, you can get a good result.....
Labels: photography, thoughts
Thursday, February 12, 2009
misschubbyface is down with fever today. last nite she woke up at 2am and didnt sleep till 530, her temp was more than 28 last nite....
but, does this look like a sick child?
go figure!
Labels: thoughts
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
i did this today....... quite proud of myself coz this is the first time i do layout....
it takes:
1. patience
2. creativity
3. color coordination
4. lots of love
since we are celebrating lovey dovey day..... i wish everyone all the love!!!
Labels: craft
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
this a a continuation of the not-yet-over-bday-celebration. gosh!!! having a 3 years old is really occupying a tweentyish plus2 mother (ahem! hahahaha). after the nak-kat-mummy-episode celebration on friday, where we bring this to the studio....hope thay like it... it was such a last minute thingy where i just wham bam put it together.....
but then also, i have sent this over to them as a token of our appreciation...this card fares better coz i have more time to prepare and i know the persons that are getting it. sometimes its a challenge for me to create a card without actually knowing the receiver.... coz it actually helps for me to visualize the level of acceptance and liking... hehehe... that my humble opinion.... i believe the other pro cropper does not have the same problem as I do... huhu...
well, i guess misschubbyface was very contented after all this.... she shud not be expecting the other celebration we have planned for her.... hahahahahaha
Saturday, February 7, 2009
millions apology for not updating the blog for a whole week.... i have reasons.... which can be just excuses for not updating... huhu....
1. the 845-545 work is actually longer this week, yikes! i have a lot of things to settle
2. i promised my fren to stock up on the ready made card.... so there goes my nite time!
3. i have actually hung out a couple of times this week, hence with no 1 and 2... there goes all the time that i am awake!!!!
i am very proud of misschubbyface.... she turns 3 -06 feb....sharing the same date with one of the local radio station which also turns 3 hahaahhahahaaha.... dang! we have 2 compact digital cameras, 1 dslr and 1 digital video cam.... but we did not bring any one of those this mornin to the studio..... (why??????????????)
happy birthday misschubbyface.... we will celebrating it in a big way later wth the grandparents!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
does this looks like misschubbyface? dont think so!!!! this one is much better than misschubbyface.... look at how she pose, this is hands down the next top model.....
told ya!!!!
Labels: photography
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
i am trying to edit photos.... to keep tha ball rolling, let me update the unedited photo first and track me when i finish (i shud be bragging bout it, rite... mignt as well the wholewideworld know how long I take to edit it)let see... one is misschubbyface and the other one is the twin (well, one of it!!)... see how long will i take to edit them!!!
Labels: photography
Monday, January 26, 2009
mental thoughts to myself..... next year CNY, be extra careful.
This year is the hattrick to say... it all started on 2007 CNY where I cut my right thumb and managed to get 6 stiches... (so later i did not do any cooking/housework... etc..) then on 2008 CNY I slammed the car door onto the same thumb (yeap, the right one) and it took me almost 1 month to heal ..... well, my good luck continue this year.... on the eve of CNY.... hot oil was splashed onto my right arm and some on my tummy......luckily i did not panic or else it can get worse... specilly the tummy part (how on earth shud i dress for work? erk!!!) I am quite worry what will happen next year.... "touch wood"
Labels: thoughts
Saturday, January 24, 2009
no... am not really elaborating the feisty part.... coz most of the time ppl will think bout - well-u-know!
am more interested to talk bout the festival part coz of the cny is soo close, you can smell the firecrackers burning! what i really love bout this county is the holidays we have..... the pleasure of savouring many kinds of the holidays special recipe.... am more than grateful that i am safely ere...
to those driving back to your hometown - have a safe trip. if you're drunk let other people drive for you
to those cooking for tomorrow dinner - less is more, its the thoughts that count!
have a happy long weekend.... May we all have a prosperous year ahead!
Gong Xi Fa Chai!
Labels: thoughts
Friday, January 23, 2009
dunno whay i love this american crafts green polka dot ribbon, it has becomes a habit... when it comes to choosing ribbon for card, my choice tend to skewed towards it.... ooow dang!
sharing with you my attempts!
looks okay.... with brads
another favourite.... simple knot.... have to aplogize for the image, its fr my mobile!!!
Labels: card
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
it was quite a while i didnt take putraline. Ages ago.... i usually prefer my car or cabby as mode of transportation. well, 2 weeks ago..... my buddies suddenly have this bright idea to have lunch at the twin.... so my best bet to go there during freakin-lunch-hour-mad-rush-evryone-needs-foods time would be the putra..... guess what..... we have to wait for feels-like-forever-20minutes coz the putra suddnely decides to have an unscheduled delay.... our luck maybe.... hungry and tired for nothing!
today, i was also at the twin after office hour.... since i am in good-mood-dont-want-to-trouble huggy, i decided to take the putra again.... and guess what my luck! the putra also decide to take its unscheduled delay..... makes me wonder, is it me? why all the jinx when putra comes into the picture? or it is usually like this?
Labels: thoughts
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
never tot that i would bumped into my x..... dont get me wrong ere, its not x as "ex-bf" or what... i bumped into my x-bos.... hehehe.....
never imagine myself bumping into him after i made a grand exit last year.... my grand 24hrs-right-after-my-hari-raya-long-break-exit....... so what did i do just now?... well the brave me (ahem! very proud of myself!) went over and said HI!.... didnt chat long coz he was rushing back (thank god!).... quite an achievement!!!!
ere is another acheivement......made for my fren.... for his wifey's bday.... hehehe
Labels: card
Monday, January 19, 2009
there were many attempts made by me on the photography. my favorite and most available (even though not the most reliable) model will be the one and only misschubbyface. at some times, she can be very cooperative, but most of the time she will be posing aka hide-my-face-dont-shoot-me-i-am-ugly kinda mood. what the heck, misschubbyface is the only model i can get so far, just promise her some decent meal or a bowl of icecream..... and waaallah...she will do her job!!!
here is the bad result.... dont know how to get a good light.... why so purplish one....
my o my... my attempt using manual on my dslr..... goddammit.... when u feel you have acheived something but in reality your result is very poor compared to "normal" dslr users!!! i have a loooooooooong lonnnng way to go!!! hahahahaha
this is another photo taken of misschubbyface.... i think(please, this is my humble opinion!!!) this fares a bit better than the first one..... haha!!!
well, at least i got her skin color right..... there is a lot more that i need to learn bout this photography(to ensure end result is superb,i mean!)..... hope by time i will improve.....
Labels: photography
Sunday, January 18, 2009
here i will share bit by bit my passion. My crafts attempts and failures and also my crafts projects the finished and the unfinished.
it all started couple of years back.... well (waaay before the credit crunch came crashing)... where the exchange rate is high like hell..... 3.52 ...
lemme see if i can still found the first project i did..... vary amateur of me at that time .....
here it is!!!! my very first result..... the rookie me just cut, stamp,paste.. and wham! this is the end...... i still have the card with me..... love it! this is where it all started.....
Labels: craft
Saturday, January 17, 2009
well, after so many years being the readers of ppls blog... i have finally made up my mind to be part of it.
brace yourselves. ppl... i am here to stay.....
Labels: welcome